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Disadvantages of knee Replacement Surgery

Disadvantages of knee Replacement Surgery

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Disadvantages of knee Replacement Surgery

Disadvantages of knee Replacement Surgery

Knee replacement surgery involves reconstructing the weight-bearing angle of the damaged or malformed knee joint. The goal is to relieve pain and allow movement again. A knee replacement is an arthroplasty, “corrective surgery for a specific joint.” In this procedure, weakened joints are surgically reconstructed and replaced with artificial parts or prosthetics. With a new knee joint, the patient experiences little or no pain and can recover quickly within a few months.

What is knee replacement surgery?

Unlike replacing a damaged part of your car, a knee replacement is a major surgical procedure requiring the natural knee joint to be cut and replaced with a metal or plastic prosthesis. The surgery is performed in a hospital or walk-in surgery center. Do you remember the dreamlike ads in the doctor’s office and online for knee replacement patients? It is filled with laughter, love, and different activities, from skiing to running. Are they telling the truth? Have you noticed the complications of knee replacement surgery? Let’s Discuss it in detail: 

What are the indications for knee replacement?

Some signs that a person may need knee replacement include persistent pain, overall range of motion limitation, ineffective nonsurgical treatments, and decreased quality of life. If you have symptoms with one or more indications that you need knee replacement surgery, you should talk to your doctor about your options. Total Knee Replacement surgery is a standard procedure that many patients undergo every year. While it’s generally safe, asking your doctor about what to expect, possible complications, and how to diagnose it is essential. This will allow you to decide if the surgery can go ahead and respond quickly if a problem arises. 

Also, for successful knee replacement surgery, you must reach out to the best orthopedic surgeon in India. D. Abhinandan S. Punit is one of the best orthopedic surgeons in the country. He is expert in his field and perform the surgery with utmost care and perfection. 

Top 10 Disadvantages of Knee Replacement Surgery

Here we mention the Top 10 disadvantages of knee replacement surgery

1. Replacement Joints wear Out, Requiring Additional Surgery

The truth is artificial knee joints (prostheses) do not close all the time.  The more youthful you are at the time of the knee replacement, the more likely you may put on the artificial joint.   This most customarily requires an extra surgical operation.  The dangers of your knee substitute sporting out, boom if you are overweight, do heavy guided exertions, run, or play full-time sports activities.  

2. Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)

This is a critical scientific situation in which a blood clot forms in deep veins of your body. The blood clot can travel via the bloodstream into the lungs, causing blockage of blood flow.  This is known as a pulmonary embolism.   

3.Anesthesia Complications

Expected side consequences include vomiting, dizziness, and breathing problems.  Cognitive disorders can occur in patients over 60 years of age.

4. Infection

Infection is a severe condition involving the skin, muscles, or synthetic joint.  Often, the artificial joint needs to be surgically removed and changed after antibiotics.

5. Weakness or contraction of artificial joints

A synthetic joint is inserted and cemented after “knee soft tissue” surgery. Unfortunately, cement does not always hold. The result can be loose or dislocated prosthetic joints. Treatment often requires additional surgery.

6. Difference in leg length

The nose, knees, bow, and feet position is corrected during surgery. The unfortunate result is a difference in leg length that can exacerbate back, hip, and foot problems.

7. Allergies

Artificial knee joints can be titanium or cobalt-chromium alloys. Bone cement is a composite epoxy. Patients may be uncomfortable with the prosthesis, cement, or both. Further surgery is often necessary.

8. Muscle damage

Cartilage damage can worsen during knee replacement surgery. It is estimated to occur in up to 10% of cases. Common symptoms include numbness, tingling, burning, or tingling.

9. Damage to muscles and tendons

Muscles and tendons provide essential stability to the knee. These can be damaged during surgery, causing pain, restriction of movement, and instability.

10. Knee stiffness and loss

After knee replacement, many patients complain of knee stiffness and limited mobility and activities such as walking and sports.


The knee replacement surgical procedure is a first-rate surgical treatment where the natural knee joint is amputated, and a metallic or plastic prosthesis is inserted.  There are various disadvantages of knee replacement surgery, which include the prosthesis carrying out, deep vein thrombosis, anesthesia complications, contamination, loosening of the prosthesis, differences in leg length, allergic reactions, nerve harm, harm to tendons and ligaments, persistent ache, accelerated threat of coronary heart attack and buildup of poisonous metallic ions. Bone marrow concentrate is a powerful non-surgical treatment choice for patients with knee osteoarthritis. If you’re committed to dwelling a life without dependence on additive medicinal drugs or the dangers associated with knee replacement, the good news is you’ve got alternatives.


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Dr. Abhinanadan S Punit is a famous name in the field of Orthopedics in Bangalore and abroad with more than 14 years of experience.
He specializes in Orthopedic consultation, Robotic Joint Surgery, Hip and Knee Surgery, and ACL reconstruction. 

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